Associated SC10 Beginner's Buying Guide has put together a buying guide that explains exactly what you need to race or bash the Associated SC10! MORE HERE

New SC18 Section at has become the #1 website for info about the SC10. With the success that we have enjoyed, we decided to add a SC18 section to the website.

We just received an SC18 the other day and have had a blast playing around with it in the house, on the street, and at the track. The stock SC18 has given us hours of fun, but now we are ready to hop it up and see what it can really do.

Here are some topics we plan on writing for new SC18 section:

- Power up the SC18: Switching to Lipo and Brushless Power
- SC18 Tuning Basics
- SC18 Maintenance
- SC18 Hop-up Reviews

If you have any specific topics or hop-ups reviews you would like to see us cover, please comment on this post.

The SC18 section can be accessed via the navigation bar at the at the top of every page (the SC18 link is towards the right side of the page). You can also access the SC18 section here.

If you don't have an SC18, check it out now! The SC18 RTR is very affordable and tons of fun. Buy the SC18 RTR at

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